Align stuff

I’m sitting at the hospital this week with my son. So, obviously, I’m thinking about the implications of modern design on the daily lives of the rich and famous, because, that’s what’s really important. I’m just trying to ignore the techo-like mechanical humming drone of that morphine drip over there. Come on man, focus! Think about the poor helpless wealthy class yearning to experience the wonders of multi-fauceted pulsating showers. Think about the luxury of slate flooring. Maybe if I turn on the TV it will help clear my head – “8.9 earthquake in Japan”…. Shit, thanks Universe. What’s on TMZ?

I wonder what kind of shower system Charlie Sheen uses. I bet he showers a lot. Well, at least, I hope he showers a lot.

Soooo, so far this post is, not so much about Architecture…

Maybe I’ll just throw out some Architectural word associations to get the creative juices flowing, Ok? Let’s give it a whirl:

Clean Slate? – underlying guilt from misusing other people’s hard earned savings

Hard-Coat? – Maybe I shouldn’t be an Architect, is it hard to become a Bus driver?

¾” reveals of my soul? – Maybe the café will have salisbury steak today…

Cast in place angst? – Where did I leave my toothbrush? It feels like I have a gerbil soaked in Vienna sausage brine wedged in my mouth

Suspended canopies of disbelief? – Is it raining again? Why is it always gloomy during Lent? Why so sad Jesus?

Stainless steel tension and a general sense of unease? – I don’t think this word association thing is going well.

Transparency of my empty-lonely soul? – Alright, cut it out.

Structural dependence on others for support in my time of need? – Seriously, this doesn’t seem to be about Architecture at all.

Design intention of getting out of the ICU sometime today? – stupid, stupid subconscience


I think it’s safe to say that this post is going well so far, don’t you think? Fine, let’s just call this experiment a success. Clearly, Architecture is awesome, Jesus is sad, Salisbury steak and angst go together swimmingly, AND, most importantly, Charlie Sheen is creepy.

Now, go out there and align stuff,




photos are from GrungeTextures’ photostream on Flickr (used under creative commons license)